The Pushmobile is an exciting Cub Scout Event, where one Cub Scout pushes a soap-box type car, while another Cub drives.
CAR CHECK IN: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
RACE LOCATION: Next to the Longfield Tunnel, outside the track
ORDER OF RACES: Tigers, Wolfs, Bears, Webelos
Who can Participate?
- Each pack may enter one team (a pusher and a driver) per Den.
- Different races will be run for each of the age groups in Cub Scouting (Tigers, Wolfs, Bears, Webelos).
- Driver and pusher must be of same age group and same as race being run (Wolf, Bear, etc.).
- Packs may use the same car if they desire, for the different age groups. However, if each den desires to build its own car, they may do so. If a pack has more than one entry in the same age group, they must have a car for each entry.
- All cars must be checked in during check in time. The car will be examined to ensure it is safe and meets the specifications detailed below.
- SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Driver and Pusher both must wear a safety helmet (bicycle, motorcycle or football type). Pusher must wear soft soled athletic shoes.
Car Specifications
- Car must be solidly constructed of wood, masonite, or metal, with solid bottom, sides and front, and must have a stable skin (outside covering). Push handle must be permanently fastened to car.
- Car must have a safe steering mechanism. If cable driven, make sure cable is tight.
- Sides of cockpit must extend minimum of 6 inches above seat (safety factor to prevent sliding out).
- Front and Back ends of car must be closed in.
- Each car must have four wheels.
- Car should be minimum 60" overall length and between 30" and 42" wide (length measured from handle end to nose of car, width measured from wheel center to wheel center).
For examples of cars look at:
- Minimum road clearance of 3 inches.
- Pack Number must appear on both sides of cockpit and no advertising should appear on the car
The judges will attach a score tag to each qualifying car. This tag must remain on the car during the entire competition.
Race Rules
- Race area will be marked off in straight lanes 8' wide, 150' long, with lanes extending beyond finish line to allow room for stopping.
- The cars will line up at the starting line with the front of the car behind the line. Judges will signal the start. If a car jump starts, the judges will stop the heat and re-run it. If the same car jump starts more than one time, it will lose that heat.
- If any portion of the car, or pusher, enters another lane, that car loses that heat. The race judges will determine if the heat needs to be run again, with the remaining cars.
- Driver and pusher must remain in same positions throughout their entire competition.
- Spectators must stay off the track during the race, and cannot run along with the cars.
- Pusher must maintain contact with the pushing stick at all times, even past the finish line.
- Judges reserve right to disqualify any car for unsafe driving or poor sportsmanship (of driver, pusher, or adults).
- The race will be double elimination UNTIL ONLY 3 or 4 CARS REMAIN. Then there will be one heat to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Winners.
- Each age group will be raced separately.
Judges decisions are final on any issues, and cannot be appealed.